Saturday, October 13, 2012

Importance of Gender

This week we learned about specific gender roles of males and females. There is a lot of controversy about what is expected of men and women. Should they have specific roles or should they be more equal? Are the differences in boys and girls mainly genetic or does it have something to do with how we raise them? Or is it a combination of the two? Do we raise them differently because of the way they are different genetically? A lot of these questions were discussed in class and we couldn't come to an exact conclusion. There have been a few studies done on young boys and girls to see if they react differently to certain situations. In one of the studies, they would put toddlers one at a time behind a clear gate that separated them from their parents and observed their reactions closely. Most of the girls would cry but the boys would try to knock down the gate. Keep in mind that these are toddlers and they can't even talk and yet they react differently to the separation. Have they already been influenced by how we treat them? Who knows.

We also studied and learned about SSA or same sex attraction. I had no idea that there was so much information on the subject. I had just never really looked into it because I never had a reason to. Anyway, we read some articles and watched some videos and it was really interesting. Some of the studies suggest that people aren't born homosexual. They are people that have unique characteristics that define them as different from others of the same gender. Boys will be kind and good at listening and want to play more creatively than the other boys and so they get made fun of. Because they are different, they spend most of their growing years playing with the girls because that is where they feel more accepted. And because of that, when they mature, they seek attention from the "opposite gender" but because they have been classified as being more like the females, they seek attention from males. It has also been found that young children that have been sexually molested end up becoming homosexual. SSA can be treated with counseling and these can lead a normal life. They just have to be willing to face their past and want to change. But it is possible.

In the end, we were born with our gender for a reason. We have been males and females since the premortal life. It's part of our divine destiny and with that comes responsibility. We are unique and different for a reason. Males and females complete each other and each is equally important. So be happy with your gender.

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