Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

So I am writing this one early and it's just because this week is Thanksgiving Break. That doesn't mean that I haven't learned anything. Today we talked about the effects of mothers working. We discussed the positives and negatives of it. I myself am not a supporter of mothers working outside the home. I believe that the main job of a mother is to stay home and take care of her children whenever possible.

I also read an article on if mothers are swapping their minds for a mop if they do decide to stay home. I don't think so because you still need to know things so that you can help your children learn and grow. If a woman does have the desire to further her education, but she still wants to stay at home to raise her children, she can take online classes, do night classes, listen to books on tape, join a book club, or many other things.

I read another article on family work and why it's important to work together as a family on things. It is because when children see mothers and fathers working together, it helps them to feel safe at home and know that their parents love each other. It's also important to include the children in helping with work around the house because it teaches them responsibility and hard work.

The last thing that we read was a pamphlet on managing money and staying out of debt. I really liked it because it lists several specific steps that you can follow in order to get out and stay out of debt. I think that I am going to use it when I have my own family so that we can stay out of debt and not have to worry about that.

Well, that's it for now. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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